The time when physical therapists trained physicians to treat the sick through exercise.
Text on back of photo: "Physiotherapy in the lower west hall. Around 1880." Photographer unknown. This photograph was taken at the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG). RCIG is now The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. RCIG was established in 1813 by Pehr Henrik Ling who could be considered the founder of Medical Gymnastics in Physiotherapy.
Sjükgymnast (Swedish: sjük = sick, gymnast = person trained in gymnastics or exercises) means someone who trains the sick through exercises. How to pronounce it? There are two ways: one in Swedish, and one in Norwegian. A few years ago during my fellowship training, I came across an article by Dr. Anders Ottoson, Ph.D. which captivated my attention on the early beginnings of physical therapy in Europe in the 19th century before the profession spread out in other regions of the world.
"Major parts of Ling’s wishes for his Physical Therapy were fulfilled in Sweden posthumously. In 1864, it was stated that one of the RCIG’s main formal objectives was to educate Medical Doctors to become Doctors of Gymnastics, that is, Physicians trained in the same mechanical way as Physical Therapists. In other words, Physical Therapy was sanctioned as an independent science by the Government of Sweden despite the fact that the RCIG was not affiliated to a school of Medicine (and not run by Physicians). The same year, the RCIG’s monopoly was also strengthened. It was officially stated that not even Physicians were allowed to open a PT clinic without an exam from the RCIG. During the 19th century, the RCIG’s scientific and professional status was so great that several Physical Therapists (without a doctoral degree) were honored by the Swedish Government with the title of Professor for their activities in the field. Physicians could even be found as employees working as assistants under the reign of a Physical Therapist. The missing main character in Cyriax Jr.’s historical narrative on OM (besides Ling), his grandfather Jonas Henrik Kellgren, was one of these Physical Therapists with a huge staff including Physicians." (Ottoson A., 2011)
So, what are your thoughts on this? It’s clear that our profession began more than a reconstruction aide outside of the United States with its humble beginnings in Europe. Let me know what else you can find from the article and its implication to the future of the physical therapy profession.
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
#history #historyfacts #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #medicine #medical #doctors #healthcare #exercise #Sweden #sjükgymnast #sjükgymnastik